Instant Gallery
fun and include your turnings in
the Symposium's Instant Gallery. This is
your chance to show off your work and see what
other turners are doing at the same time.
Sell your work as well. Put a price on your turnings and you may go home with a pocket full of cash. Best of commission....100% profit!!
Don't want to sell your piece...that's fine...just enter a turning and help make the symposium a success.
Procedures to Participate
- A participation form
will be available at the symposium for each participant to
fill out for each item
- The form will include:
- Participant's name
- Item description
- Type of wood
- Price (if for sale)
- Contact phone number
- Cards, pens and markers will be
available if a participant would like to
expand on the information about a turning
- A participant MUST sign-out a turning
before removing it from the Instant
Gallery. This is for your protection!
- Please make every effort to leave a turning in the Instant Gallery until the end of the Symposium
Print a Participation Form and don't wait in line!!